Getting Involved
“What a child can do today with assistance, she will be able to do by herself tomorrow.”
- Lev Vygotsky

Nursery Committee
The nursery is run by a committee of parents and carers on a volunteer basis, which meet two hours per half-term on average.
During these meetings carers provide feedback on what they feel is going well with the nursery and what suggestions they have for change. The administration and running of the nursery is also reviewed. Any issues of importance to the nursery are openly discussed and decisions are made democratically and to the best interests of the children, staff and the nursery as a whole.
The Committee is formed of the following roles currently held by the parents listed below:
Co-chairs - Elisabeth Roberts and Abigail White
Treasurer - Abigail White
Secretary - Amanda Near
​While the committee members take on specific roles in the nursery, help is always welcome from other parents. Everyone is encouraged to be involved and to assist where they can.

We greatly value parents and carers’ involvement, and we always encourage their contributions to the children’s experiences. These may include visiting to celebrate a cultural event, sharing a special skill (cooking, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening, etc…) or coming to speak about a profession, hobby, or anything else that might interest the young minds!
Carers are also welcome to simply offer some time with the children and we will be sure to find something to do (Younger siblings are welcome too.)

The nursery is a charity and relies on grants from the Council and additional forms of funding. In these days of adversity and cuts, it has not been easy for the nursery to make ends meet but it has always managed to stay in credit.
The nursery is always looking out for new ways of raising funds, be it for core expenses or special projects. If you are keen to get involved in helping raise funds, please do let one of the committee members know. ​We now have a Just Giving page where you can make your donations at anytime to help support projects, please click the button below:
Any help or suggestion is always welcome and appreciated.