Our Day
“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes,
learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.”
- Alfie Kohn

Daily Routine
We follow a regular structure for the day at the nursery. Knowing what to expect makes the children feel secure and they begin to look forward to parts of the routine they like, helping them settle happily into the nursery.
9:00-9.20am - Welcome time, Self register
9:25am - Group time, 'Good Morning' song
9:30am - Child Initiated Play and Focused Activities
10.00am - Outside Play, free-flow starts
10:30am - Snack time starts
11:50am - Tidy Up time outside followed by Tidy Up inside
12.10pm - Story Groups and Songs Time
(i.e. story, props, early phonics, action songs)
12:20pm - Lunchtime
1.00pm - Naptime/Outside Play (free-flow)
Child-initiated play/Adult-led small group activities
1.45pm - Tidy Up outside
2.10pm - Snack time
2.30pm -Tidy up inside
2.40pm - Story Groups and Songs Time/ Quiet Play
2.55pm - Home time
Snack & Lunch
Children are offered a mid-morning snack at nursery. It includes a cup of milk or water, a variety of fruits, bread sticks or rice cakes and yoghurt, for example. We ask that parents and carers contribute to snack time by providing one snack item per week. (E.g: one melon, a bunch of bananas, a bag of apples, a packet of crackers, a large pot of yoghurt, etc…) A list of suggested snacks is available at the setting.
Children will need to bring a packed lunch each day. The nursery recommends that lunches are healthy and do not include crisps, fizzy drinks or chocolate bars. Fresh water will be provided by the nursery.
Due to the severity of reaction in children who are allergic to nuts, no nuts or peanut butter are allowed as part of the packed lunch.

If your child is ill, please phone the nursery in the morning on 020 7704 8003 or text us on the parents' group chat to advise us that your child will not be attending that day.
In cases of family holidays or other pre-arranged absences, the nursery should be notified as soon as possible. Fees are still payable during absences.
If a child has an unexplained absence of two weeks or more, and that parents do not respond to attempts to be contacted, it is our policy that the child's place may be given to the next child on the waiting list.